Place born
Organisation / Person
1908-1994, artist; poster artist, British

Chapman, George

1908 - 1994

Bankart, Zoe Theodora

1909 - 1988

Lawrence, John Stewart (M.B., Ch.B., M.D., M.R.C.P., F.R.C.P.)

1908 - 1996

Bonavia, Michael

1909 - 1999

Mason, Elizabeth

1909 - 2008

Beevers, Cecil Arnold (DSc., FInstP; FRSE)

1908 - 2001

Eatock, Daniel

1908 - 1984

Hey, James Stanley

1909 - 2000

Wilson, Paul Norman (Baron Wilson of High Wray)

1908 - 1980

Boston, Alfred

1908 - 1908

1909-1975, communications research, England

Post Office Engineering Research Station

1909 - 1975

1908-1994, artist; painter; poster artist, British; English

Hepple, Norman

1908 - 1994

1909-1925, camera manufacturer, German


1909 - 1925

1909-1962, camera manufacturer, Bayreuth


1909 - 1962

1908-1978 or 79, artist; painter; illustrator; wodcutter; railway artist, British

Worsdell, Guy

1908 - 1979

1908/1912-2000, documentary and portrait photographer, German

Freund, Gisele

1908 - 2000

1908-1973, documentary photographer, Austrian-born; British

Tudor-Hart, Edith

1908 - 1973

1908-1936, manufacturer of aeroplanes, France

Farman Aviation Works

1908 - 1936

1908-1990, physicist; electron microscopist, British

Cosslett, Vernon Ellis

1908 - 1990

1909-1991, photographer, British

Hosking, Eric

1909 - 1991

1909-2007, dental surgeon, British; English

Fickling, Benjamin William

1909 - 2007

1908-2000, pharmaceutical research/ manufacturer, Chicago, Illinois, USA, American

G D Searle and Company

1908 - 2000

1909-1987, artist; writer; British

Hamilton Ellis, Cuthbert

1909 - 1987

1951-1961, lens, camera and film manufacturer, London

Ross-Ensign Ltd

1904 - 1961

1908-1916, manufacturer of motor vehicles, Shortlands, England

Pearson and Cox

1908 - 1916

1908-2001, physicist; crystallographer, British

Beevers, C. Arnold

1908 - 2001

1909-1975, x-ray equipment manufacturer; radiography equipment manufacturer, British

Cuthbert Andrews Limited

1909 - 1975

1909-2000, physicist; pioneer radio astronomer, British

Hey, James Stanley

1909 - 2000

1908-1999, explorer; scientist, British

Fuchs, Sir Vivian

1908 - 1999

1908-1995, president of the Argentine republic, lawyer, Argentinian

Frondizi Ercoli, Arturo

1908 - 1995

active 1910-1963, microscopes & microtomes manufacturer, Vienna, Austria

C Reichert, Optische Werke AG

1909 - 1972

1945-1964, camera and optical instrument maker, East Germany

VEB Carl Zeiss Jena

1905 - 1964

1908-1980, hydraulic engineer, British

Wilson, Paul Norman

1908 - 1980

1909-1915, film company, United Kingdom

Natural Color Kinematograph Company Limited

1903 - 1915

1909-1995, make-up artist, United Kingdom

Ashton, Roy

1909 - 1995

1908-1964, toy manufacturer, Liverpool, England, British

Meccano Limited

1908 - 1964

1909-1988, grand-daughter of W. H. Maw (co-founder/director of 'Engineering Limited')

Bankart, Zoe Theodora

1909 - 1988

1909-1981, aeronautical historian; Victoria & Albert Museum keeper, British

Gibbs-Smith, Charles Harvard

1909 - 1981

Dr Louise Davies

1904 - 2011

Skelhorn, Arthur

1908 - 2000

Townsend, Charles Edward Clifton

1908 - 1993

Raymond, Alex

1909 - 1956

Higgins, Ernest Wilfred

1908 - 1996

Gibbs-Smith, Charles Harvard

1909 - 1981

Fawcett, Eric William

1908 - 1987

1908-1984, artist, British, UK

Myerscough Walker, Raymond

1908 - 1906

first patient to receive insulin injections

Thompson, Leonard

1908 - 1935

1943-1945, army unit, British and Canadian

21st Army Group

1907 - 1908

1908-1974, mathematician, poet, humanist. British.

Jacob Bronowski

1908 - 1974

1908-1992, photographer, England

Topham, John

1908 - 1992